
Three keys to achieving an environmentally friendly closet

Environmentally friendly closet

Living a more environmentally friendly lifestyle has never been a more pressing need. And our closet is definitely an everyday space, from where we can contribute to heal the planet. Here are three simple but high-impact keys to an environmentally friendly closet.

Since a large part of the waste that accumulates in landfills comes from the textile industry – taking years to decompose – or even the waste that ends up in the oceans; With these three keys you will be able to reduce your negative impact on the environment.


Three keys to achieving an environmentally friendly closet. Give a long and happy life to your clothes. Wear that party dress, or that spectacular blouse for various events. What does it matter if you appear in the photos with the same garment again! Even celebrities have become aware and today you can see several of them repeating a dress in different award galas.

Or if you prefer, give someone else the opportunity to wear that dress. Take it to a thrift store or clothing exchange. Second-hand clothing is not synonymous with poor quality. On the contrary, the stores where you get them, do a thorough curation before putting it up for sale.

Take Care

The care you give to your clothes depends not only on its durability, but also on life in the oceans. How is this?. Every time you wash your clothes, dyes and tiny particles of fibers can come off, in many cases plastic, which end up reaching marine ecosystems. For this reason, we recommend that you wash only when the clothes are really dirty and fill the full load of the washing machine. The more room to move clothes have, the more microplastics will come off.

On the other hand, washing with cold water or at a maximum temperature of 30 ° C will prevent the dyes from coming off easily.

Finally, look at the composition of the fabric of your garments. Synthetic fabrics such as polyester, nylon or rayon are not biodegradable and can also release microplastics when washed. The less synthetic fabric the better.


Three keys to achieving an environmentally friendly closet. We have become accustomed to wearing, spending and throwing away. Faced with a sign of wear and tear on our clothes, we simply throw them away, without realizing the damage we do to our planet by not giving that garment a second chance. Faced with this harmful pattern, repairing is an act of love.

The person who repairs a garment, takes special care to leave it as new or even better. In that garment, you carry all the care, patience and love with which it was repaired.

As you can see, there are three simple actions that are at our fingertips in order to have an environmentally friendly closet. And having an environmentally friendly closet, we will contribute to a cleaner planet.

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What is special about artisan fashion?

Artisan fashion

When we hear about artisan fashion, it is not easy to become a concept clear what this expression means. And is that for a long time, those two words – Fashion and Crafts – did not seem to have any relationship.

However, thanks to the evolution of design for the fashion industry and the awareness that has been awakened around manual techniques, it is now possible to enjoy fashion accessories that not only carry in their essence the artisan tradition of ancient peoples, They are also adapted to current outfits and clothing.

But is a Handmade Fashion Piece Really That Special?

Well, on the one hand, think that when you use a fashion piece made with artisanal techniques, you know that you are using a unique garment, since because it is made by hand and not in series or by a machine, it is as if each product had your own personal DNA.

Artisan clothes and accessories tools

On the other hand, by incorporating artisan fashion into your closet, you are also helping to perpetuate the culture of those artisan communities that would otherwise have no way to tell the world their story. Thus, you become a messenger of a tradition and an instrument of continuity of the legacy of our ancestors.

Categories: Blog

The Tradition of Italian Craftsmanship

Handmade Italian suits

The success of Made in Italy in the world is due to the long tradition of craftsmanship, and despite the country’s economic situation, the Made in Italy label is still highly sought after in the rest of the world.

As Sicilian designer Fausto Puglisi tells BBC Culture: “Italian craftsmanship is absolutely unparalleled. And in Italy it’s something that is extremely connected to society – people don’t just do it for the money, they do it because they love it”

Conservatism and conformism are the two main criticisms of contemporary Italian fashion. Milan is rumored to be less influential than it was in previous years, and this criticism is partly attributed to the typically “family” business method.

Some great labels have remained in the same family for decades, dominating the textile sector with the result – some commentators say – of entering a phase of stagnation.

Surely the stagnation of Fast Fashion is better, but do these “family” businesses make life more difficult for emerging designers and creativity?

“The history of Italian fashion was built by great fashion families and we must pay tribute to it”, says Fausto Puglisi. “And it’s true that the situation up to now has been pretty quiet, but at the same time I think you have to work hard and really believe in yourself, stay focused on your vision, that’s the only way to break through”. But times are changing, for Fausto Puglisi fashion is innovation, which means “going out and discovering new things”.

Is creativity coming back into fashion? Does textile innovation exists in our country? Young designers at the helm of major brands such as Gucci and Valentino, scholarships for young people offered by Ermenigeldo Zegna and Giorgio Armani, free use of the catwalks to emerging designers such as the acclaimed Stella Jean.

Italian Fashion and Sustainability

Creativity and innovation should go hand in hand with environmental sustainability, ethics, respect for human rights, and safeguarding the animal world. This is the only way forward for Italian fashion, and clearly for the entire textile sector.

Unfortunately, this is not always the case, despite the great strides made by many Italian fashion houses, such as those who have joined the Greenpeace Detox My Fashion campaign, our country is still behind when it comes to sustainability, compared to other European countries.

We are talking about sustainable fashion, the use of ecological fabrics and the application of textile certifications, which can guarantee production with low environmental impact, ethical from a human point of view and without the exploitation of animals.

We are pleased to note the increase in interest in ecological materials on the part of small Italian artisans, who really need to innovate, to create something new, unique.

Environmental pollution caused by the textile industry is at an all-time high and continues to grow from year to year. The abandonment of synthetic fibers such as polyester and nylon would be a small but important step forward in support of our planet.

But something more is needed, a collective culture, and that’s what we’re talking about in this blog.

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