How Does Food Contribute To Climate Change?

Land Use

Land use changes affect many different aspects of our climate, including air and water quality, watershed function, generation of waste, wildlife habitat, and human health. They can also impact the amount of land that is available for other uses, such as food production.

Globally, agriculture and forestry accounts for 23% of greenhouse gas emissions. That’s more than other sectors, such as transport and energy.

Water Use

Water is needed for a variety of human activities, including drinking, cooking, cleaning, and hygiene. It is also used for a wide range of industrial and commercial activities.

Consumptive uses of freshwater include irrigation and electric power plant cooling withdrawals. These withdrawals are often returned to rivers and streams after use, but some are not.

Other water uses include drinking, commercial, and industrial purposes, as well as waste disposal and irrigation for public facilities such as parks, pools, and city buildings. Some of this water is also lost through leaks in systems or other sources.

Energy Use

Climate change affects all sectors of our lives, including food production. Rising temperatures, droughts and floods can damage crops and livestock, making it difficult to provide healthy meals for all.

Increasing temperatures and CO2 can increase crop yields, but farmers must also take into account factors like nutrient levels, soil moisture and water availability. When these conditions are not met, farmers may be forced to grow fewer crops, raise less livestock or catch fewer fish.

A major source of greenhouse gas emissions comes from fertilizers, pesticides and farm equipment. These chemicals are often made with cheap fossil fuels.


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