What is The Minimalism Lifestyle & Minimalist In Design?

confused guy scratches head has no idea

Minimalism is a philosophy and lifestyle choice. It involves intentionally selecting how you spend both your time and money so that you can focus on what matters most to you.

Minimalism is an approach that can benefit all aspects of life, including money management. Continue reading to see how minimalism can help.


1. It’s not about having less

Minimalism is often misunderstood as being about having less; however, that couldn’t be further from the truth. Minimalism focuses on having more of what matters – be that time, space or peace of mind – instead.

It is essential that only things which add true value to your life should be owned. If your hobby requires physical supplies, make sure they are carefully selected so as only keep those you will use in the near future.

Therefore, it is wise to invest in quality items that will outlive their lifespan. Doing this will allow you to avoid the cycle of buying and discarding that wastes money and resources — plus reduces garbage produced each second!

2. It’s not about following a set of rules

Engaging in minimalism means becoming an intentional guardian of your home, schedule and heart. Minimalists understand the value in letting go of items that don’t add much benefit; reset their lives when complexity enters their lives; and have the courage to remove when adding may seem simpler.

Reducing clutter and organizing possessions to make room for what matters to you are the key components of minimalism, along with setting boundaries with technology and social media. While adopting minimalism may seem intimidating at first, its worth the effort – literary minimalism (a form of writing that removes excess adjectives and metaphors to produce clear sentences) has gained increasing traction as an influential movement and even inspired composers like La Monte Young and John Cage who explore drone music).

3. It’s not about living in a cabin in the woods

Minimalism is an increasingly popular lifestyle choice that can help people feel free and find greater peace. But before embarking on your minimalistic journey, there are a few key points to remember before jumping aboard this movement.

Step one in becoming a minimalist is to define your vision. This will enable you to determine what items are essential to your daily living and which aren’t.

Minimalism involves selecting only those items that bring true value into your life and discarding everything else. While this can be challenging, in the end it will pay dividends. Remember that minimalism is a journey and not an endpoint; decluttering may need to happen multiple times before finding equilibrium is achieved.

4. It’s not about deprivation

Deprivation is often associated with sleep deprivation and food scarcity; these aren’t goals that minimalists have set themselves for their lifestyle.

Minimalism is about creating space for what matters most to you in life by eliminating anything that gets in the way of that goal, such as material objects cluttering up your home and unnecessary party invitations. For instance, if your goal is spending more time with family, reducing clutter in your home and opting out of these events are ways of making that possible.

Focus instead on what minimalism offers you more of: more time, space and peace. That way you’ll know it’s the real deal and be able to thrive in this new minimalist lifestyle.

5. It’s not about living a minimalist lifestyle

Minimalism often connotes suffering and sacrifice; however, in reality it should be about enjoying what you already have while discarding any unnecessary items.

Minimalism, whether or not practiced through the KonMari method, involves choosing what items will remain in your life based on what brings joy or serves a specific purpose. Anything else should go.

Minimalism means different things for everyone; from Leo Babauta with six children living at home with him to Joshua Becker running an award-winning business to Colin Wright travelling the globe and leading an extraordinary minimalist life – but they all practice minimalism in different ways. Finding what works for you means being intentional with your choices while focusing on essentials only.